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Wallet File Specification

Version 1.0.0


A wallet file in JSON format has the following basic structure:

  "name": "MyWallet",
  "version": "1.0",
  "scrypt": {},
  "defaultOntid": "did:ont:TJNxJe2Ty8eSCjCDxDPwiS78NRAn8XPTFL",
  "defaultAccountAddress": "TJNxJe2Ty8eSCjCDxDPwiS78NRAn8XPTFL",
  "createTime": "2018-03-14T03:12:30.862Z",
  "identities": [],
  "accounts": [],
  "extra": null

name is a label that the user has given to the wallet file.

version is currently fixed at 1.0 and will be used for functional upgrades in the future.

scrypt is a ScryptParameters object which describe the parameters of SCrypt algorithm used for encrypting and decrypting the private keys in the wallet.

defaultOntid indicates the default identity in this wallet.

defaultAccountAddress indicates the default digital asset account’s address in this wallet.

createTime is the time this wallet was created, in UTC format.

identities is an array of identity objects which describe the details of each identity in the wallet.

accounts is an array of account objects which describe the details of each account in the wallet.

extra is an object that is defined by the implementor of the client for storing extra data. This field can be null.

Here is an example as below:

        "name": "com.github.ontio",
	"scrypt": {
		"dkLen": 64,
		"n": 16384,
		"p": 8,
		"r": 8
	"version": "1.0",
	"createTime": "2018-09-26T18:02:26Z",
	"defaultAccountAddress": "APyT9ZrjDsvq6cRWPaVq3Fu3zFjP33FUq4",
	"defaultOntid": "did:ont:AXFZPQivJK2NTxJDnE6vsrFfyyfnEQSqX6",
	"accounts": [{
		"address": "APyT9ZrjDsvq6cRWPaVq3Fu3zFjP33FUq4",
		"algorithm": "ECDSA",
		"enc-alg": "aes-256-gcm",
		"hash": "sha256",
		"isDefault": true,
		"key": "w29DODefaYPg2LKT9FW6/QziPAmVH7Q/NX9nobO3tteRRq2Tg3Hm72gNkyvJlg97",
		"label": "abaed057",
		"lock": false,
		"parameters": {
			"curve": "P-256"
		"publicKey": "025a61aced9838fed2ffe0267ddcdd62159f51fcbc4fce7eb162d30d43da6fecc9",
		"salt": "dQ3ubLtvOQ4VEzN1l1aq8Q==",
		"signatureScheme": "SHA256withECDSA"
	"identities": [{
		"controls": [{
			"address": "AXFZPQivJK2NTxJDnE6vsrFfyyfnEQSqX6",
			"algorithm": "ECDSA",
			"enc-alg": "aes-256-gcm",
			"hash": "sha256",
			"id": "keys-1",
			"key": "oZ8kkH0MhKYNAIPA5WACsK93ghHqnTQU3oeC3bqPQ4KYRVXHOUwiLhgiWV+BIB9D",
			"parameters": {
				"curve": "secp256r1"
			"publicKey": "02f866847298a7847c714c457dcc63122b946bd014b32e7c365a7bc89fefc2bdd8",
			"salt": "/OwXiTC9k3tzDN8bTigXew=="
		"isDefault": true,
		"label": "d6a5b3b3",
		"lock": false,
		"ontid": "did:ont:AXFZPQivJK2NTxJDnE6vsrFfyyfnEQSqX6"


ScryptParameters object has the following structure:

  "n": 16384,
  "r": 8,
  "p": 8,
  "dkLen" : 64

n is a parameter that defines the CPU/memory cost. Must be a value 2^N.

r is a tuning parameter.

p is a tuning parameter (parallelization parameter). A large value of p can increase computational cost of SCrypt without increasing the memory usage.

dkLen is intended output length in octets of the derived key.


Identity object has the following structure:

  "ontid": "did:ont:TQLASLtT6pWbThcSCYU1biVqhMnzhTgLFq",
  "label": "MyIdentity",
  "lock": false,
  "isDefault" : false,
  "controls": []

ontid is the ontid of the identity.

label is a label that the user has given to the identity.

lock indicates whether the identity is locked by the user - the client shouldn’t update the infomation in a locked identity.

isDefault indicates whether the identity is the default identity.

controls is an array of Control objects which describes the details of each controller in the identity.


Control object has the following structure:

  "algorithm": "ECDSA",
  "parameters": {},
  "id": "1",
  "key": "6PYWB8m1bCnu5bQkRUKAwbZp2BHNvQ3BQRLbpLdTuizpyLkQPSZbtZfoxx",
  "address": "AQkGLumU1tnyJBGV1ZUmD229iQf9KRTTDL",
  "salt": "Rv4v3a4U1zFEq28/"

algorithm is the algorithm used in the encryption system.

parameters is an array of parameter objects used in the encryption system.

id is the identity of this control.

key is the private key of the account in the NEP-2 format. This field can be null (for watch-only addresses or non-standard addresses).

address address in base58 format.

salt 16 byte salt value in base64 format.


Parameter object has the following structure:


curve is the name of the elliptic curve.


Account object has the following structure:

    "address": "AadQ5xRwrSsFTGzKfLHc1brzykdnf7phhD",
    "label": "a6575fd9",
    "lock": false,
    "algorithm": "ECDSA",
    "parameters": {
    	"curve": "P-256"
    "key": "NyfxXX+xKDG2agrDy3espqX7N0k3MysTgqx5FxJGI8bkklZQO6+6BSluyBRvEsOx",
    "enc-alg": "aes-256-gcm",
    "salt": "MHct5XIedi86rQILJFi9lA==",
    "isDefault": false,
    "publicKey": "03e897f5a1ea306270e3e1e539c9065b6905e2430aae7f4802e1114f01634d7235",
    "signatureScheme": "SHA256withECDSA"

address is the base58 encoded address of the account.

enc-alg is the algorithm used to encrypt the private key.

salt is the salt value for decryption.

publicKey is the public key.

signatureScheme is the signatureScheme used in signature.

isDefault indicates whether the account is the default account.

label is a label that the user has given to the account.

lock indicates whether the account is locked by the user - the client shouldn’t spend the funds in a locked account.

algorithm is the algorithms used in the encryption system.

parameters is an array of parameter objects used in encryption system.

key is the private key of the account in the NEP-2 format. This field can be null (for watch-only addresses or non-standard addresses).

QR Code Specification

This QR Code Specification is for both identities and accounts.

	"label": "MyIdentity",
	"algorithm": "ECDSA",
	"scrypt": {
		"n": 4096,
		"p": 8,
		"r": 8,
		"dkLen": 64
	"address" : "AQkGLumU1tnyJBGV1ZUmD229iQf9KRTTDL",
	"salt" : "Rv4v3a4U1zFEq28/",
	"parameters": {
		 "curve": "P-256"

type is used to distinguish between identity or account, I indicates this is an identity , A indicates this is an account.

label is the label for the identity or account.

algorithm is the algorithm used for key/pair generation.

parameters is the parameters of the key/pair generation algorithm.

scrypt is an ScryptParameters object which describes the parameters of the SCrypt algorithm used for encrypting and decrypting the private keys in the wallet.

key is the encrypted private key.

address is the address in base58 format.

salt 16 byte salt in base64 format.