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Digital Asset Management

Version 0.9.0


Wallet is a data storing file in JSON format. In Ontology, Wallet can store not only the digital identity but also digital assets.

Wallet Data Specification

	name: string;
	defaultOntid: string;
	defaultAccountAddress: string;
	createTime: string;
	version: string;
	scrypt: {
	    "n": number;
	    "r": number;
	    "p": number;
	    "dkLen": number;
	identities: Array<Identity>;
	accounts: Array<Account>;
	extra: null;

name is the name of wallet given by user.

defaultOntid is the default ontid of wallet.

defaultAccountAddress is the default account address of wallet.

createTime is the creation time of wallet of ISO format, such as “2018-02-06T03:05:12.360Z”.

version is set to a constant 1.0. It is provided for future updates.

scrypt is the parameter used in the encryption algorithm, which is used in the encryption of wallet and decryption of private key.

identities is the array of all digital identity objects in the wallet.

accounts is the array of all digital asset objects in the wallet.

extra is the field used by client developer to store extra informations. It can be null.

More details about wallet data specification can be found in Wallet_File_Specification.

1.1 Create a Wallet

Users could create their wallet from scratch.

1) Create an empty wallet

Users only need to pass the name of their wallets.

import {Wallet} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';
var wallet = Wallet.create('my_wallet')

2) Create an account and add it to your wallet

Users need to provide below parameters to create an account:

privateKey An instance of class PrivateKey.

password User’s password to encrypt the private key.

label Name of the account.

params Optional params used to encrypt the private key. It has below structure. If it is not given, the default value will used.

interface ScryptParams {
    cost: number;
    blockSize: number;
    parallel: number;
    size: number;

The default scrypt params are as below:

    cost: 4096,
    blockSize: 8,
    parallel: 8,
    size: 64

Scrypt params must be same in the encryption and decryption, or the decryption will fail.

2.1) Generate PrivateKey

We can generate a random private key with specific keypair algorithm and elliptic curve. There are three kinds of algorithms we support:

  • SM2

ECDSA is the default one. You can check TS SDK API reference for info.

import { Crypto } from 'ontology-ts-sdk';

cont keyType = Crypto.KeyType.ECDSA;

const keyParameters = new Crypto.KeyParameters(Crypto.CurveLabel.SECP256R1);

const privateKey = Crypto.PrivateKey.random(keyType, keyParameters)

2.2) Create account

Then we can create the account and add it to the wallet.

import {Account, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';

var account = Account.create( privateKey, password, name );



Account is used to manage user’s assets.

Account Data Structure

	"address": "AJQLNWy9X6qdeEFrSH6UzgEjadSsRiYDCS",
	"label": "mickey",
	"lock": false,
	"algorithm": "ECDSA",
	"parameters": {
	    "curve": "P-256"
	"key": "qFbemAbu7fEjOJzAZZhGkmzp2YNxdSCuK7xyvhBAnUBX/FmAj2Ns84Y7frh6hfQv",
	"enc-alg": "aes-256-gcm",
	"salt": "u+SiqpRk17b0vIPesh4xXA==",
	"isDefault": false,
	"publicKey": "037fb6dfc9420e1d8275d9133d6d69fe64e8e3567241e7583234b9efa8b2ce7ae1",
	"signatureScheme": "SHA256withECDSA"

address is the account address encoded in base58.

label is the name of account.

lock specifies whether the account is locked by user. The client cannot spend assets in a locked account.

algorithm is the name of encryption algorithm.

parameters is the parameters used in the keypair generation algorithm.

curve is the elliptic curve of the keypair generation algorithm.

key is the encrypted private key. This field can be null (for read-only or non-standard address).

enc-alg is the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the private key.

salt is used to encrypt and decrypt the private key.

isDefault decides if it is the default account.

publicKey is the public key of the account.

signatureScheme is the signature scheme used in signature.

Create an Account

import {Account} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//@param {PrivateKey} The user's private key
//@param {string} The user's password
//@param {string} Optional. Name of the account
//@param {object} Optional parameter. The encryption algorithm object.
var account = Account.create(privateKey, password, label, params)

Import an Account

Users can import an account by the backup data.

This method will check the password and the private key, an error will be thrown if they are not match.

import { Account } from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//@param label {srint} Name of the account
//@param encryptedPrivateKey {PrivateKey} The encrypted private key
//@param password {string} The password used to decrypt private key
//@param address {Address} The address of the account
//@param saltBase64 {string} The salt in base64 format
//@param params {ScryptParams} Optional scrypt params to decrypt private key
var account;
try {
    account = Account.importAccount(label, encryptedPrivateKey, password, address, saltBase64, params);
} catch(error) {
    //password or private key incorrect

Digital Asset Transfer

Transfer native asset

There are two kinds of native asset in Ontology: ONT and ONG.

In order to transfer native asset, we can create the specific transaction and send it to the blockchain. After the transaction has been packaged in the block, the transaction will succeed.

Type of native asset

  ONT : 'ONT',  //Ontology Token
  ONG : 'ONG'   //Ontology Gas

An example of transfer asset

Create transaction

First we need to create the transaction for transfer. The parameters are as below:

assetType ONT or ONG.

from Sender’s address. Must be with enough balance.

to Receiver’s address.

amount Can not be more than the sender’s balance.

gasPrice The limit is set by blockchain node. Can not be less than the limit.

gasLimit The limit is set by blockchain node. Can not be less than the limit.

payer Payer’s address to pay for the gas. If not given, use sender’s address is the default.

In TestNet, we can set gasPrice as 0 for test.

import {OntAssetTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//supppose we have an account with enough ONT and ONG
//Sender's address
const from = account.address;
//Receiver's address
const to = new Address('AXpNeebiUZZQxLff6czjpHZ3Tftj8go2TF')
//Amount to send
const amount = 100
//Asset type
const assetType = 'ONT'
//Gas price and gas limit are to compute the gas costs of the transaction.
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '20000';
//Payer's address to pay for the transaction gas
const payer = from;
const tx = OntAssetTxBuilder.makeTransferTx(assetType, from, to, amount, gasPrice, gasLimit, payer);

Send transaction

We can use RESTful API, RPC API, or WebSocket API to send transaction. Here we use RESTful API as an example.

Use WebSocket API and wait for the transaction notice.

import {RestClient, CONST, TransactionBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//we already got the transaction we created before

//we have to sign the transaction before sent it
//Use user's private key to sign the transaction
TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, privateKey)

const rest = new RestClient(CONST.TEST_ONT_URL.REST_URL);
rest.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()).then(res => {

The result may look like:

  Action: 'sendrawtransaction',
  Desc: 'SUCCESS',
  Error: 0,
  Result: 'dfc598649e0f3d9ff94486a80020a2775e1d474b843255f8680a3ac862c58741',
  Version: '1.0.0' 

The Result of the response is the transaction hash, it can be used to query the event of the transaction.


Digital Asset Inquiry: getBalance

We can use RESTful API, RPC API and WebSocket API to query the balance. Here we use RESTful API as example.


const address = new Address('AXpNeebiUZZQxLff6czjpHZ3Tftj8go2TF');
const rest = new RestClient();
rest.getBalance(address).then(res -> {

The result contains balance of ONT and ONG.

Withdraw ONG

Withdraw generated ONG from user’s account address and send to other address. They can be the same address.

Create transaction

from Sender’s address to withdraw ONG.

to Receiver’s address to receive ONG.

amount Amount of ONG to withdraw. Need to multiply 1e9 to keep precision.

gasPrice Gas price.

gasLimit Gas limit.

payer Payer’s address to pay for the transaction gas.

import {OntAssetTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//suppose we have an account already
const from = account.address;
const to = account.address;
const amount = 10 * 1e9;
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '20000';
const payer = account.address;
const tx = OntAssetTxBuilder.makeWithdrawOngTx(from, to, amount, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit);

Send transaction

We can use RESTful API, RPC API, or WebSocket API to send a transaction. Here we use RESTful API as an example.

//sign transaction before send it
import {RestClient, CONST, TransactionBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//we already got the transaction we created before

//we have to sign the transaction before sent it
//Use user's private key to sign the transaction
TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, privateKey)

const rest = new RestClient(CONST.TEST_ONT_URL.REST_URL);
rest.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()).then(res => {

Then we can query the balance to check if the withdraw succeeded.