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Deploy and Invoke Smart Contract
Version V0.9.0
1. Deploy smart contract
This process needs to construct related transactions and send it to the blockchain.
Users should offer the contract’s content in hex string and some configuration parameters to construct the transaction.
The configuration parameters are as follow:
Avm code of contract’s content, hex encoded string.
Name of the contract, optional string value.
Version of the contract, optional string value.
Author of the contract, optional string value.
Email of the contract’s author, optional string value.
Description of the contract, optional string value.
Whether contract needs storage or not. Default is true.
import {TransactionBuilder, RestClient} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';
const code = '5ac56b6c766b00527ac46c766b51527ac4616c766b00c303507......';
const name = 'Test';
const codeVersion = '1.0';
const author = 'Jack';
const email = 'jack@ont.com';
const desp = 'test';
const needStorage = true;
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '3000000';
const tx = TransactionBuilder.makeDeployCodeTransaction(code, name, codeVersion, author, email,desp,needStorage, gasPrice, gasLimit);
//we need add payer's address and sign the transaction
//suppose we have the account and private key
tx.payer = account.address;
TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, privateKey)
//Then send the transaction
const rest = new RestClient();
rest.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()).then(res => {
//query the contract from blockchain.
rest.getContract(res.Result).then(result => {
2. Invoke smart contract
Invoking contract needs to construct related transactions and send it to the blockchain.
2.1 Construct transaction with ABI file
file is in JSON format that describes the methods and parameters of the smart contract. We can construct the transaction to invoke contract easily with ABI files. Some transactions may need to be signed with the user’s privatekey.
There are some class related to ABI in TS SDK.
class AbiInfo {
hash : string
entrypoint : string
functions : Array<AbiFunction>
Hash value of the contract. Also called contract address. It can be used to distinguish each contract.
Entry function name of the contract.
Set of functions that the contract contains.
class AbiFunction {
name : string
returntype : string
parameters : Array<Parameter>
Name of the function.
Return type of the function.
Parameters of the function.
class Parameter {
name : string
type : ParameterType
value : any
Name of the parameter.
Type of the parameter.
Value of the parameter.
The function that constructs transactions to invoke the contract needs parameters as follows:
function makeInvokeTransaction(funcName : string, parameters : Array<Parameter>, contractHash : string, vmType : VmType = VmType.NEOVM, fees : Array<Fee> = [])
Function to be called in the contract.
Parameters of the function.
Hash of the contract.
Virtual machine type.
Fees required to send transaction.
Here is an example about invoking a smart contract for attest claim record to the blockchain.
//read abi file. Here the file exports a JSON object.
import abiJson from '../smartcontract/data/attestClaim.ts'
import {utils, TransactionBuilder, RestClient} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//parse the abi content
const abiInfo = AbiInfo.parseJson(JSON.stringify(abiJson))
//get the AbiFunction
const abiFunction = abiInfo.getFunction('Commit')
const claimId = 'claim123';
const issuer = 'did:ont:ALnvzTMkbanffAKzQwxJ3EGoBqYuR6WqcG';
const subject = 'did:ont:AUG62qrHboRc4oNn8SvJ31ha6BkwLPKvvG';
//construct parameters. Notice that all the parameters are hex string here.
let p1 = new Parameter(f.parameters[0].getName(), ParameterType.ByteArray, utils.str2hexstr(claimId))
let p2 = new Parameter(f.parameters[1].getName(), ParameterType.ByteArray,utils.str2hexstr(issuer))
let p3 = new Parameter(f.parameters[2].getName(), ParameterType.ByteArray,utils.str2hexstr(subject))
//set parameters
abiFunction.setParasValue(p1, p2, p3)
//construct transaction
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '20000';
//we need to know the contract's address, it can be the reversed value of hash in abiInfo
const hash = abiInfo.getHash().replace('0x', '');
const contractAddr = new Address(utils.reverseHex(hash));
let tx = Transactoinbuilder.makeInvokeTransaction(abiFunction.name, abiFunction.parameters, contractAddr, gasPrice, gasLimit)
//add payer to pay for gas.Suppose we have an account with enough balance
tx.payer = account.address;
//sign the transaction.
signTransaction(tx, privateKey)
//Send transaction
const rest = new RestClient();
rest.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()).then(res => {