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Version 1.0.0


1 钱包

Wallet is a data storing file in JSON format. In Ontology, Wallet can store not only the digital identity but also digital assets.

Wallet Specification

1.1 创建钱包

Users could create their wallet from scratch.

Users only need to pass the name of their wallets.

import {Wallet} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';
var wallet = Wallet.create('my_wallet')

1.2 钱包管理



2 资产账户

2.1 创建随机账户


  • SM2


import {Account, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';

cont keyType = Crypto.KeyType.ECDSA;
const privateKey = Crypto.PrivateKey.random();
const params = {
    cost: 4096,
    blockSize: 8,
    parallel: 8,
    size: 64
var account = Account.create( privateKey, password, name, params );


Param Desc
privateKey An instance of class PrivateKey..
password User’s password to encrypt the private key.
name Name of the account.
params Parameters used to encrypt the privatekey.

2.2 导入账户


import { Account } from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//@param label {string} Name of the account
//@param encryptedPrivateKey {PrivateKey} The encrypted private key
//@param password {string} The password used to decrypt private key
//@param address {Address} The address of the account
//@param saltBase64 {string} The salt in base64 format
//@param params {ScryptParams} Optional scrypt params to decrypt private key
var account;
try {
    account = Account.importAccount(label, encryptedPrivateKey, password, address, saltBase64, params);
} catch(error) {
    //password or private key incorrect

2.3 通过助记词创建账户

通过助记词创建账户. BIP44 path : “m/44’/1024’/0’/0/0”.

import { Account } from 'ontology-ts-sdk';
//@param label {string} Name of the account;
//@param mnemonic {string} User's mnemonic;
//@param password {string} Usr's password to encrypt the private key
//@param params? {ScryptParams} Optional scrypt params to encrypt the private key
var account;
try {
    account = Account.importWithMnemonic(label, mnemonic, password, params);
} catch(error) {
    //mnemonic is invalid


import { utils } from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//@param size {number} The length of bytes for derived key.16 is the default value.
const mnemonic = utils.generateMnemonic(size);


import {Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//@param mnemonic {string} Space separated words
//@param derivePath {string} Default value is "m/44'/1024'/0'/0/0"
const privateKey = Crypto.PrivateKey.generateFromMnemonic(mnemonic, derivePath)

2.4 通过WIF创建账号

import {Crypto, Account} from 'ontology-ts-sdk';
//@param wif {string} User's WIF
//@param password {string} User's password
//@param name {string} Name of account;
//@param params {ScryptParams} Optional scrypt params to encrypt the private key

//get private key from WIF
const privateKey = Crypto.PrivateKey.deserializeWIF(wif);
const account = Account.create(privateKey, password, name, params);

2.5 导入导出 keystore

请参考Keystore数据结构, Wallet Specification

导出 keystore

//Suppose we have an account object
//export keystore
const keystore = {
            type: 'A', // Implies this is an account 
            label: obj.label, // Name of the account
            algorithm: 'ECDSA', // The algorithm of the key-pair generation
            scrypt: { // Scrypt parameters used to encrypt the private key
                n: 4096,
                p: 8,
                r: 8,
                dkLen: 64
            key: obj.encryptedKey.key, //Encrypted private key
            salt: obj.salt, // Salt used to encrypt private key
            address: obj.address.toBase58(), // Address used to encrypt private key
            parameters: { // Parameters used in key-pair generation algorithm
                curve: 'secp256r1'

导入 keystore

请参考 2.2 Import An Account

3 Native 资产

Native 资产包括: ONT 和 ONG.

  ONT : 'ONT',  //Ontology Token
  ONG : 'ONG'   //Ontology Gas

3.1 查询


3.1.1 查询余额

const address = new Address('AXpNeebiUZZQxLff6czjpHZ3Tftj8go2TF');
const nodeUrl = 'http://polaris1.ont.io:20334' // Testnet
const rest = new RestClient(nodeUrl); // Query the balance on testnet
rest.getBalance(address).then(res => {

3.1.2 查询 Unbound ong

通过地址查询余额,ONT, ONG, claimable ONG and unbound ONG.

测试网服务器 https://polarisexplorer.ont.io

主网服务器 https://explorer.ont.io

    "Action": "QueryAddressBalance",
    "Error": 0,
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Result": [
            "Balance": "138172.922008484",
            "AssetName": "ong"
            "Balance": "14006.83021186",
            "AssetName": "waitboundong"// This is the unbound ONG
            "Balance": "71472.14798338",
            "AssetName": "unboundong" // This is the claimable ONG
            "Balance": "8637767",
            "AssetName": "ont"

3.1.3 查询交易历史

We can use the explorer api to fetch the transaction history of an address with pagination.

url:/api/v1/explorer/address/{address}/{pagesize}/{pagenumber} or /api/v1/explorer/address/{address}/{assetname}/{pagesize}/{pagenumber}
    "Action": "QueryAddressInfo",
    "Error": 0,
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Version": "1.0",
    "Result": {
        "AssetBalance": [
                "Balance": "1.93199363",
                "AssetName": "ong"
                "Balance": "0.0020775",
                "AssetName": "waitboundong"
                "Balance": "0.0019375",
                "AssetName": "unboundong"
                "Balance": "1500",
                "AssetName": "ont"
        "TxnList": [
                "TxnTime": 1535894950,
                "TxnType": 209,
                "ConfirmFlag": 1,
                "Fee": "0.010000000",
                "TxnHash": "a8a75e3d44e5aff5de6dabcbee1492c89da1561e244da47327f178956b7c0015",
                "Height": 261617,
                "BlockIndex": 1,
                "TransferList": [
                        "FromAddress": "AUmzW4MYCtDakB59hFybV7aGFZVi2S7FLc",
                        "Amount": "1.000000000",
                        "ToAddress": "AUmzW4MYCtDakB59hFybV7aGFZVi2S7FLc",
                        "AssetName": "ont"
                "TxnTime": 1535310138,
                "TxnType": 209,
                "ConfirmFlag": 1,
                "Fee": "0.010000000",
                "TxnHash": "819a67b5c7c29fd234178ba9b901c6ed5af0734bafc76ffba6d1380cf2e07e8e",
                "Height": 218711,
                "BlockIndex": 1,
                "TransferList": [
                        "FromAddress": "AFmseVrdL9f9oyCzZefL9tG6UbvhUMqNMV",
                        "Amount": "1.627527000",
                        "ToAddress": "AUmzW4MYCtDakB59hFybV7aGFZVi2S7FLc",
                        "AssetName": "ong"
        "TxnTotal": 33

3.2 资产转账



import {OntAssetTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
//supppose we have an account with enough ONT and ONG
//Sender's address, instance of class Address
const from = account.address;
//Receiver's address
const to = new Address('AXpNeebiUZZQxLff6czjpHZ3Tftj8go2TF')
//Amount to send
const amount = 100
//Asset type
const assetType = 'ONT'
//Gas price and gas limit are to compute the gas costs of the transaction.
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '20000';
//Payer's address to pay for the transaction gas
const payer = from;
const tx = OntAssetTxBuilder.makeTransferTx(assetType, from, to, amount, gasPrice, gasLimit, payer);
参数 描述
assetType ONT or ONG.
from Sender’s address to withdraw ONG.
to Receiver’s address to receive ONG.
amount ONG Need to multiply 1e9 to keep precision.
gasPrice Gas price.
gasLimit Gas limit.
payer Payer’s address to pay for the transaction gas.

3.3 提取 ong

创建 withdraw 交易


import {OntAssetTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//suppose we have an account already
const from = account.address;
const to = account.address;
const amount = 10 * 1e9;
const gasPrice = '500';
const gasLimit = '20000';
const payer = account.address;
const tx = OntAssetTxBuilder.makeWithdrawOngTx(from, to, amount, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit);
参数 描述
from Sender’s address to withdraw ONG.
to Receiver’s address to receive ONG.
amount ONG Need to multiply 1e9 to keep precision.
gasPrice Gas price.
gasLimit Gas limit.
payer Payer’s address to pay for the transaction gas.

3.4 签名和发送交易



//sign transaction before send it
import {RestClient, CONST, TransactionBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//we already got the transaction we created before

//we have to sign the transaction before sent it
//Use user's private key to sign the transaction
TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, privateKey)
//If the transaction needs more than one signatures. We can add signature to it.
//TransactionBuilder.addSign(tx, otherPrivateKey)

const rest = new RestClient(CONST.TEST_ONT_URL.REST_URL);
rest.sendRawTransaction(tx.serialize()).then(res => {

Use WebSocket API and wait for the transaction notice.


  Action: 'sendrawtransaction',
  Desc: 'SUCCESS',
  Error: 0,
  Result: 'dfc598649e0f3d9ff94486a80020a2775e1d474b843255f8680a3ac862c58741',
  Version: '1.0.0' 

4 与链交互


import {RestClient} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

const rest = new RestClient();

//@param hexData {string} Hex encoded data of transaction
//@param preExec {boolean} Default value is false.Decides if it is pre execution.
//@param userId {string} Not necessary
rest.sendRawTransaction(hexData, preExec, userId)

rest.getRawTransaction(txHash: string)



rest.getContract(codeHash: string)

//Get the transaction execution result
//@param value {string|number} The transaction hash or the block height.
rest.getSmartCodeEvent(value: string | number)

rest.getStorage(codeHash: string, key: string)

rest.getBalance(address: Address)

rest.getAllowance(asset: string, from: Address, to: Address)

5 节点质押

5.1 注册候选节点


import {GovernanceTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param ontid {string} User's ONT ID
//@param peerPubkey {string} Peer's public key
//@param keyNo {number} Id of public key.Usually set as 1.
//@param userAddr {Address} User's address to pay the ONT and ONG for register
//@param initPos {number} Number of ONT to pay for register
//@param payer {Address} User's address to pay for the transaction fee.
//@param gasPrice {string} Usually set as '500'
//@param gasLimit {string} Usually set as '20000'
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeRegisterCandidate(ontid, peerPubkey, keyNo, userAddr, initPos, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit)

5.2 取消注册


import {GovernanceTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's address that paied for the register
//@param peerPubkey {string} Peer's public key
//@param payer {Address} Payer to pay for the transaction fee.
//@param gasPrice {string} Usually set as '500'
//@param gasLimit {string} Usually set as '20000'
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeUnregisterCandidateTx(userAddr, peerPubkey, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit)

5.3 提取

提取 ONT.

import {GovernanceTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's address that paied for the register
//@param peerPubkeys {[string]} Array of peer's public keys
//@param withdrawList {[number]} Array of ONT to withdraw
//@param payer {Address} Payer to pay for the transaction fee.
//@param gasPrice {string} Usually set as '500'
//@param gasLimit {string} Usually set as '20000'
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeWithdrawTx(userAddr, peerPubkeys, withdrawList, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit)

5.4 退出质押


import {GovernanceTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's address that paied for the register
//@param peerPubkey {string} Array of peer's public keys
//@param payer {Address} Payer to pay for the transaction fee.
//@param gasPrice {string} Usually set as '500'
//@param gasLimit {string} Usually set as '20000'
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeQuitNodeTx(userAddr, peerPubkey, payer, gasPrice, gasLimit)


6.1 查询开发授权质押的节点列表

import {GovernanceTxBuilder} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
const url = 'http://polaris1.ont.io:20334';
const peerMap = await GovernanceTxBuilder.getPeerPoolMap(url)

该接口返回的结果是所有的节点详情。展示的列表需要对返回结果做一些处理,如按质押总数进行排序,匹配节点名称等。具体步骤可以参考OWallet的处理方式NodeAuthorization.js –> fetchNodeList()


    name: 'Dubhe',
    pk: '02bcdd278a27e4969d48de95d6b7b086b65b8d1d4ff6509e7a9eab364a76115af7'
    name: 'Merak',
    pk: '0251f06bc247b1da94ec7d9fe25f5f913cedaecba8524140353b826cf9b1cbd9f4'
    name: 'Phecda',
    pk: '022e911fb5a20b4b2e4f917f10eb92f27d17cad16b916bce8fd2dd8c11ac2878c0'
    name: 'Megrez',
    pk: '0253719ac66d7cafa1fe49a64f73bd864a346da92d908c19577a003a8a4160b7fa'
    name: 'Alioth',
    pk: '022bf80145bd448d993abffa237f4cd06d9df13eaad37afce5cb71d80c47b03feb'
    name: 'Mixar',
    pk: '02765d98bb092962734e365bd436bdc80c5b5991dcf22b28dbb02d3b3cf74d6444'
    name: 'Alkaid',
    pk: '03c8f63775536eb420c96228cdccc9de7d80e87f1b562a6eb93c0838064350aa53'

6.2 查询授权质押详情

//@param pk {string} Public key of the node to stake
//@param userAddr {Address} Address of user
//@param url Url of network to connect

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'
const url = getNodeUrl();
const userAddr = new Crypto.Address(address);
const authorizeInfo = await GovernanceTxBuilder.getAuthorizeInfo(pk, userAddr, url)

AuthorizeInfo 具有以下结构:

class AuhtorizeInfo {
    peerPubkey: string = ''; //Node's public key
    address: Address; // User's wallet address
    consensusPos: number = 0; // Stake amount in consensus round
    freezePos: number = 0; // Stake amount in freeze status
    newPos: number = 0; // New stake amount
    withdrawPos: number = 0; // Stake amount locked in two round
    withdrawFreezePos: number = 0; Stake amount locked in one round
    withdrawUnfreezePos: number = 0; Claimable ONT

用户质押总数 = consensusPos + freezePos + newPos

用户锁定中的ONT = withdrawPos + withdrawFreezePos

用户可提取的ONT = withdrawUnfreezePos

6.3 查询授权质押收益

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param url {string} Url of node

const url = getNodeUrl();
const userAddr = new Crypto.Address(address);        
const splitFee = await GovernanceTxBuilder.getSplitFeeAddress(userAddr, url)
class SplitFeeAddress {
    address: Address; // User's wallet address
    amount: number = 0; // Stake profit ONG number

The amount should divide by 1e9.

6.4 查询ONT解绑的ONG

//@param addr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param url {string} Network's url

const url = getNodeUrl();
const addr = new Crypto.Address(address);
try {   
    let peerUnboundOng = await GovernanceTxBuilder.getPeerUnboundOng(addr, url);
    peerUnboundOng = new BigNumber(peerUnboundOng).div(1e9).toNumber();
    return peerUnboundOng;
} catch(err) {

The result should divide by 1e9.

6.5 给某个节点授权质押

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param pks {[string]} Array of nodes' public keys
//@param amounts {[number]} Array of stake amounts
//@param payer {Address} Payer of the transaction
//@param GAS_PRICE {string} Normally set as 500
//@param GAS_LIMIT {string} Normally set as 20000

const userAddr = new Crypto.Address(this.stakeWallet.address)
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeAuthorizeForPeerTx(

User can stake some units.Stake amount = 500 ONT * units

6.6 取消对某个节点的授权质押

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param pks {[string]} Array of nodes' public keys
//@param amounts {[number]} Array of stake amounts
//@param payer {Address} Payer of the transaction
//@param GAS_PRICE {string} Normally set as 500
//@param GAS_LIMIT {string} Normally set as 20000

const userAddr = new Crypto.Address(this.stakeWallet.address);
const amount = Number(this.cancelAmount) * 500;
const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeUnauthorizeForPeerTx(

The amount to cancel can not exceed the total amount in authorization. The amount to cancel = 500 * units

6.7 提取可提取的ONT

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param pks {[string]} Array of nodes' public keys
//@param amounts {[number]} Array of stake amounts
//@param payer {Address} Payer of the transaction
//@param GAS_PRICE {string} Normally set as 500
//@param GAS_LIMIT {string} Normally set as 20000

const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeWithdrawTx(

6.8 提取解绑的ONG

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param payer {Address} Payer of the transaction
//@param GAS_PRICE {string} Normally set as 500
//@param GAS_LIMIT {string} Normally set as 20000

const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeWithdrawPeerUnboundOngTx(

6.9 提取授权质押的收益

import {GovernanceTxBuilder, Crypto} from 'ontology-ts-sdk'

//@param userAddr {Address} User's wallet address
//@param payer {Address} Payer of the transaction
//@param GAS_PRICE {string} Normally set as 500
//@param GAS_LIMIT {string} Normally set as 20000

const tx = GovernanceTxBuilder.makeWithdrawFeeTx(