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Ontology Restful API

Version 1.0.0

English 中文


This document describes the restful api format for the http/https used in the Onchain Ontology.

Response parameters description

Field Type Description
Action string action name
Desc string description
Error int64 error code
Result object execute result
Version string version information

Restful Api List

Method URL Description
get_conn_count GET /api/v1/node/connectioncount return the number of node connect to the network
get_blk_txs_by_height GET /api/v1/block/transactions/height/:height return whole transaction hash of the block
get_blk_by_height GET /api/v1/block/details/height/:height?raw=0 return block info of the height
get_blk_by_hash GET /api/v1/block/details/hash/:hash?raw=1 return block info of the block hash
get_blk_height GET /api/v1/block/height return current block height of main net
get_blk_hash GET /api/v1/block/hash/:height return block hash of the height
get_tx GET /api/v1/transaction/:hash return transaction info by transaction hash
get_storage GET /api/v1/storage/:hash/:key return the stored value according to the contract address hash and stored key
get_balance GET /api/v1/balance/:addr return balance of the account address
get_contract_state GET /api/v1/contract/:hash return contract state according to the contract address hash
get_sc_event_by_height GET /api/v1/smartcode/event/transactions/:height return the smartcode event in the block at the height
get_smtcode_evts GET /api/v1/smartcode/event/txhash/:hash return smartcode event by transaction hash
get_blk_hgt_by_txhash GET /api/v1/block/height/txhash/:hash return the block height where transaction at
get_merkle_proof GET /api/v1/merkleproof/:hash return merkle proof of the transaction
get_gasprice GET /api/v1/gasprice return gas price
get_allowance GET /api/v1/allowance/:asset/:from/:to return the allowance from transfer-from accout to transfer-to account
get_unboundong GET /api/v1/unboundong/:addr return the number of unbound ong of given address
get_mempooltxcount GET /api/v1/mempool/txcount return the number of transaction locate in memory
get_mempooltxstate GET /api/v1/mempool/txstate/:hash return the state of transaction locate in memory
get_version GET /api/v1/version return the version of ontology
post_raw_tx post /api/v1/transaction?preExec=0 send transaction to ontology network
get_networkid GET /api/v1/networkid return the networkid
get_grantong GET /api/v1/grantong/:addr get grant ong

1 get_conn_count

Get the number of connected node.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/node/connectioncount

Response Example:

    "Action": "getconnectioncount",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0"

2 get_blk_txs_by_height

Get transactions by block height.

Return all transaction hash contained in the block corresponding to this height.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/transactions/height/100

Response Example:

    "Action": "getblocktxsbyheight",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
        "Height": 100,
        "Transactions": [
    "Version": "1.0.0"

3 get_blk_by_height

Get the block by block height.

Return block details based on block height.

raw: Optional parameter, the default value of raw is 0. When raw is 1, it returns the block serialized information, which is represented by a hexadecimal string. To get detailed information from it, you need to call the SDK to deserialize. When raw is 0, the detailed information of the corresponding block is returned, which is represented by a JSON format string.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/details/height/22

Response Example:

    "Action": "getblockbyheight",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
        "Header": {
            "Version": 0,
            "PrevBlockHash": "fc3066adb581c5aee8edaa47eecda2b7cc039c8662757f8b1e3c3aed60314353",
            "TransactionsRoot": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7",
            "BlockRoot": "7154a6dcb3c23254334bc1f5d8f054c143a39ff28f46fdeb8a9c7488147ccec6",
            "Timestamp": 1522313652,
            "Height": 100,
            "ConsensusData": 18012644264110396442,
            "NextBookkeeper": "TABrSU6ABhj6Rdw5KozV53wvZNSUATgKHW",
            "Bookkeepers": [
            "SigData": [
            "Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603"
        "Transactions": [
                "Version": 0,
                "Nonce": 0,
                "TxType": 0,
                "Payload": {
                    "Nonce": 1522313652068190000
                "Attributes": [],
                "Fee": [],
                "NetworkFee": 0,
                "Sigs": [
                        "PubKeys": [
                        "M": 1,
                        "SigData": [
                "Hash": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7"
    "Version": "1.0.0"

4 get_blk_by_hash

Get block by blockhash.

raw: Optional parameter, the default value of raw is 0. When raw is 1, it returns the block serialized information, which is represented by a hexadecimal string. To get detailed information from it, you need to call the SDK to deserialize. When raw is 0, the detailed information of the corresponding block is returned, which is represented by a JSON format string.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/details/hash/ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603

Response Example:

    "Action": "getblockbyhash",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603",
        "Header": {
            "Version": 0,
            "PrevBlockHash": "fc3066adb581c5aee8edaa47eecda2b7cc039c8662757f8b1e3c3aed60314353",
            "TransactionsRoot": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7",
            "BlockRoot": "7154a6dcb3c23254334bc1f5d8f054c143a39ff28f46fdeb8a9c7488147ccec6",
            "Timestamp": 1522313652,
            "Height": 100,
            "ConsensusData": 18012644264110396442,
            "NextBookkeeper": "TABrSU6ABhj6Rdw5KozV53wvZNSUATgKHW",
            "Bookkeepers": [
            "SigData": [
            "Hash": "ea5e5219d2f1591f4feef89885c3f38c83d3a3474a5622cf8cd3de1b93849603"
        "Transactions": [
                "Version": 0,
                "Nonce": 0,
                "TxType": 0,
                "Payload": {
                    "Nonce": 1522313652068190000
                "Attributes": [],
                "Fee": [],
                "NetworkFee": 0,
                "Sigs": [
                        "PubKeys": [
                        "M": 1,
                        "SigData": [
                "Hash": "37e017cb9de93aa93ef817e82c555812a0a6d5c3f7d6c521c7808a5a77fc93c7"
    "Version": "1.0.0"

5 get_blk_height

Get the current block height.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/height

Response Example:

    "Action": "getblockheight",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": 327,
    "Version": "1.0.0"

6 get_blk_hash

Get blockhash by block height.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/block/hash/100

Response Example:

    "Action": "getblockhash",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "3b90ddc4d33c4954c3d87736120e94915f963546861987757f358c9376422255",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

7 get_tx

Get transaction by transaction hash.

raw: Optional parameter, the default value of raw is 0. When raw is 1, it returns the transaction serialized information, which is represented by a hexadecimal string. To get detailed information from it, you need to call the SDK to deserialize. When raw is 0, the detailed information of the corresponding transaction is returned, which is represented by a JSON format string.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/transaction/5623dbd283a99ff1cd78068cba474a22bed97fceba4a56a9d38ab0fbc178c4ab

Response Example:

    "Action": "gettransaction",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Version": 0,
        "Nonce": 3743545316,
        "GasPrice": 500,
        "GasLimit": 20000,
        "Payer": "AWM9vmGpAhFyiXxg8r5Cx4H3mS2zrtSkUF",
        "TxType": 209,
        "Payload": {
            "Code": "00c66b149fdd13f41303beb7771ddd0aad6b2d815dcd62916a7cc81400000000000000000000000000000000000000016a7cc8149fdd13f41303beb7771ddd0aad6b2d815dcd62916a7cc8085da07645000000006a7cc86c0c7472616e7366657246726f6d1400000000000000000000000000000000000000020068164f6e746f6c6f67792e4e61746976652e496e766f6b65"
        "Attributes": [],
        "Sigs": [
                "PubKeys": [
                "M": 1,
                "SigData": [
        "Hash": "5623dbd283a99ff1cd78068cba474a22bed97fceba4a56a9d38ab0fbc178c4ab",
        "Height": 175888
    "Version": "1.0.0"

8 get_storage

Returns the stored value according to the contract address hash and stored key.

contract address hash could be generated by follow function

    addr := types.AddressFromVmCode([]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04})



Request Example

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/storage/ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001/0144587c1094f6929ed7362d6328cffff4fb4da2


    "Action": "getstorage",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "58d15e17628000",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Note: result and key are hex code string.

9 get_balance

Return balance of base58 account address.



addr: Base58 encoded account address

Request Example

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/balance/TA5uYzLU2vBvvfCMxyV2sdzc9kPqJzGZWq


    "Action": "getbalance",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "ont": "2500",
        "ong": "0"
    "Version": "1.0.0"

10 get_contract_state

According to the contract address hash, query the contract information.



Request Example:

curl -i http://server:port/api/v1/contract/0100000000000000000000000000000000000000

Response Example:

    "Action": "getcontract",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": {
        "Code": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
        "NeedStorage": true,
        "Name": "ONT",
        "CodeVersion": "1.0",
        "Author": "Ontology Team",
        "Email": "contact@ont.io",
        "Description": "Ontology Network ONT Token"

11 get_sc_event_by_height

Get smart contract event list by height.

Get a list of transaction with smarte contract event based on height.



Example usage:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/smartcode/event/transactions/900


    "Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyheight",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": [
                    "TxHash": "7e8c19fdd4f9ba67f95659833e336eac37116f74ea8bf7be4541ada05b13503e",
                    "State": 1,
                    "GasConsumed": 0,
                    "Notify": [
                            "ContractAddress": "0200000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                            "States": [
                    "TxHash": "fc82cd363271729367098fbabcfd0c02cf6ded1e535700d04658b596d53cf07d",
                    "State": 1,
                    "GasConsumed": 0,
                    "Notify": [
                            "ContractAddress": "0200000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                            "States": [
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Note: result is the smart contract event list.

12 get_smtcode_evts

Get contract event by transaction hash.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/smartcode/event/txhash/20046da68ef6a91f6959caa798a5ac7660cc80cf4098921bc63604d93208a8ac


    "Action": "getsmartcodeeventbyhash",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": {
             "TxHash": "20046da68ef6a91f6959caa798a5ac7660cc80cf4098921bc63604d93208a8ac",
             "State": 1,
             "GasConsumed": 0,
             "Notify": [
                      "ContractAddress": "ff00000000000000000000000000000000000001",
                      "States": [

13 get_blk_hgt_by_txhash

Get block height by transaction hash.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/block/height/txhash/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8


    "Action": "getblockheightbytxhash",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0"

14 get_merkle_proof

Get merkle proof.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/merkleproof/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8


    "Action": "getmerkleproof",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
        "Type": "MerkleProof",
        "TransactionsRoot": "fe3a4ee8a44e3e588de55de1b8fe08f08b6184d9c062cf7316fb9481eb57b9e6",
        "BlockHeight": 600,
        "CurBlockRoot": "57476eba688531dec8555cb712835c7eda48a478431a2cfd3372aeee5298e711",
        "CurBlockHeight": 6478,
        "TargetHashes": [
    "Version": "1.0.0"

15 get_gasprice

Get gas price.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/block/height/txhash/3e23cf222a47739d4141255da617cd42925a12638ac19cadcc85501f907972c8


    "Action": "getgasprice",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": {
          "gasprice": 0,
          "height": 1
    "Version": "1.0.0"

16 get_allowance

Get allowance.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/allowance/:asset/:from/:to


    "Action": "getallowance",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "10",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

17 get_unboundong

Get unbound ong.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/unboundong/:addr


    "Action": "getunboundong",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "204957950400000",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

18 get_mempooltxcount

Query the transaction count in the memory pool.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/mempool/txcount


    "Action": "getmempooltxcount",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": [100,50]

19 get_mempooltxstate

Query the transaction state in the memory pool.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/mempool/txstate/:hash


    "Action": "getmempooltxstate",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": {
              	"State": [{
              		"Type": 1,
              		"Height": 342,
              		"ErrCode": 0
              	}, {
              		"Type": 0,
              		"Height": 0,
              		"ErrCode": 0

20 get_version

Get the version information of the node.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/version


    "Action": "getversion",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": "0.9"

21 post_raw_tx

Send transaction. Set preExec=1 if want prepare exec smartcontract.



Request Example:

curl  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -X POST -d '{"Action":"sendrawtransaction", "Version":"1.0.0","Data":"00d00000000080fdcf2b0138c56b6c766b00527ac46c766b51527ac46151c56c766b52527ac46c766b00c31052656749644279507..."}'  http://server:port/api/v1/transaction

Post Params:


You can use the ontology-go-sdk to generate hex code, reference to example


    "Action": "sendrawtransaction",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Result": "22471ab3f4b4307a99f00c9a717dbf8b26f5bf63bf47f9c560477da8181de777",
    "Version": "1.0.0"

Result: transaction hash

22 get_networkid

Get the network id.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/networkid


    "Action": "getnetworkid",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": 1

23 get_grantong

get grant ong.



Request Example:

curl -i http://localhost:20334/api/v1/grantong/AKDFapcoUhewN9Kaj6XhHusurfHzUiZqUA


    "Action": "getgrantong",
    "Desc": "SUCCESS",
    "Error": 0,
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Result": 4995625

Error Code

Field Type Description
0 int64 SUCCESS
41001 int64 SESSION_EXPIRED: invalided or expired session
41002 int64 SERVICE_CEILING: reach service limit
41003 int64 ILLEGAL_DATAFORMAT: illegal dataformat
41004 int64 INVALID_VERSION: invalid version
42001 int64 INVALID_METHOD: invalid method
42002 int64 INVALID_PARAMS: invalid params
43001 int64 INVALID_TRANSACTION: invalid transaction
43002 int64 INVALID_ASSET: invalid asset
43003 int64 INVALID_BLOCK: invalid block
44001 int64 UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION: unknown transaction
44002 int64 UNKNOWN_ASSET: unknown asset
44003 int64 UNKNOWN_BLOCK: unknown block
45001 int64 INTERNAL_ERROR: internel error
47001 int64 SMARTCODE_ERROR: smartcode error